The Uglier The Better



Every year around this season I turn into a Christmas version of King Midas. Everything I touch turns into Christmas. Once Thanksgiving is over and it’s officially accepted to be listening to Christmas music and to be actually excited for everything Christmas.

That’s when I pull out the very beloved and garish Christmas sweaters that I pretty much live in from after Thanksgiving until Christmas! Since I love Christmas oh so very much- I want everything Christmas to surround me at all times that my clothing as to be Christmas themed.

I kind of think every one has their own style of Christmas style. They either own one and will only wear it on Christmas day, or they are obsessed with Christmas and own more then one. Ugly sweaters are so much fun to rock during the Holiday season you either have the mellow ones that might have a little saying or a snowman or reindeer, then you have some that are a little bit more tacky and have giant characters on it and give you a scene, and then finally there are some that are so garish with lights and music oh my! What isn’t there to love?

The uglier the better- more tacky, the lights, the music bringing laughter and cheer to all those around you. Ugly Christmas Sweaters are such a fun trend to be apart of. I say enjoy the time of the year where something tacky or sometimes hideous can bring you cheer and excitement and let’s not forget- comfort!

So  pick up one- because everyone needs a Christmas sweater in their closet what would you be rocking- a mellow one or a tacky one?